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A shopaholic bitten by the travel bug

Tag Archives: cooking

One thing I learnt in the last few months I was living in Italy was how to cook pasta the italian way. It is amazing how simple and quick it actually is to cook a delicious dish of pasta. I never used to get it right and the pasta always tasted ‘wheaty’, if there’s such a word for it.

My favorite is aglio e olio – garlic and olive oil.

I’m not much of a domestic goddess but this! is really easy. Its now my go-to recipe whenever I need a quick meal. Instant noodles, step aside!

The secret is getting the pasta right. And that’s not at all difficult, really, if you follow the recommended time on the packaging.

Here’s how I cook my pasta:

Boil a big pot if water. It should totally cover all your pasta.
When the water is boiling, add a handful of salt. The more the merrier. The pasta absorbs the salt and makes it tasty. And you won’t need to add salt to your dish later on anymore.
Put your pasta in and leave it in the bubbling water. Let it bubble away. Don’t turn down the heat. Italian pasta need to be cooked in boiling water. Japanese ramen, on the contrary,  is cooked in a simmer.

Set the timer! I am totally reliant on my iPhone timer because I always lose track of time!

Chop up some garlic, chilli and fresh basil (or parsley).
In a frying pan, heat up some olive oil and then add the garlic, chilli and basil. Stir. You should start smelling the aroma wafting from the pan. Be careful not to burn your garlic. That was another mistake I used to make. Keep the fire low.

By now the pasta should be done. Strain the water away and add it into the frying pan. Stir. Add some pepper and serve.



Buon appetito!

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